Estate & Legacy Mastery Workshop (The step before the estate lawyer)

What is included in the workshop?

  • PART 1 (90 min) Estate Planning: Using real life examples, I identify at least 45 mistakes made in estate planning that have cost families and businesses an incredible amount of stress, money, and time. By learning these mistakes, you'll know not to repeat them. We won't have time to cover every mistake so participants will have the option to choose those of most concern to them. Attendees are encouraged to bring either an incomplete draft or their completed will to check for errors. Personal estate plans will not be shared publicly in class.

  • PART 2 (90 min) Legacy Planning: I'll cover strategies to protect assets from market fluctuations, taxes, creditors, and unnecessary fees.

  • PART 3 (up to 60 min) 1-1 consultation: I'll review your will and look for errors that may have been missed. I'll also be available to answer questions. This consultation can be divided into multiple visits or completed in one visit.

  • BONUS - Estate Planning Parties: These casual get-togethers can be planned any time and hosted by any participant. If you'd like help in organizing an event, I will be available to assist.

What are the requirements to attend the workshop?
The workshop is $200/person or couple residing in the same household, and must be paid in full prior to attending. As we will be working on wills in class, it is recommended that attendees have at least an incomplete draft of their will.

Do I have to attend the full workshop all at once?
No. You may choose to attend Part 1 and then Part 2 at a later date, or vice versa. Every paid participant will be able to attend future Estate & Legacy Mastery Workshops for free.

Canadian Finance for Newcomers (and not so Newcomers)

Why is this class free?
I didn't want finance to be a barrier for low income individuals to learn the basics of Canadian Finance and important principles that may save vulnerable Canadians and Newcomers who are often targeted by scammers. Depending on the location where this class is held, including online, I may accept donations to a not-for-profit. This is a 90 minute class.

Other Classes

Can I register for the other classes listed on your website?
The other classes will be offered at random dates, and may be scheduled on demand for groups of 12 or more people.

Financial Broker Services

Do you work with only high net worth clients? 
I work with all income levels, but not all the tools I have access to are available to everyone. The higher the income, the more options. The aim is to raise the net worth of each person so they can take full advantage of what the market has to offer.

Do I have to give up my morning cups of coffee? 
The best answer I can give is, "maybe”.  I can offer suggestions on where to look to save money.  If cutting out coffee is too traumatic for you then we’ll look at making small (or big) changes in other areas.  For example, I helped one family add $200 to their monthly cash flow because they didn't realize they were spending more than that in fast food and junk food every month.

How are you different than budgeting courses? 
Budgeting courses cover great principles and are highly recommended; but unless they’re properly set up, they can feel more like a financial diet; not that all diets are bad, but they’re harder to maintain over the long term.  I teach healthy habits and tailor-make your budget AFTER I’ve gone through everything to see where we can free up some cash flow. 

Do you help with investing? 
Yes, and I have access to professional money managers who do the real heavy lifting.

I have a financial advisor.  Is there a reason I should sit down with you?  
Absolutely.  I know many financial advisors who offer great advice and guidance, some who specialize in areas I'm not as familiar with. That being said, many advisors are not educated in estate and legacy planning. It never hurts to get a 2nd opinion.

Why WFG? 
While shopping for term life insurance for my family, I encountered two companies who sold identical policies but company B’s prices were 3x the amount of company A’s.  Needless to say, I went with company A which happened to be WFG.  I love that they're a distribution company, meaning there's no conflict to sell their own products because they don't have any. Being licensed through them gives me access to thousands of financial products I wouldn't have otherwise. 

How can you do personal financial plans for people at no charge? 
Win - I get paid by the product provider so I can support my family and focus full-time on helping more people.

Win - The product provider earns money through the sale of their products.
Win - The client gets a personalized plan and ongoing support.

How do you get paid?
In WFG, agents can be paid in 4 ways. 

1) Personal Production: working directly with clients and putting plans in place that work for them. 
2) Recurring Income: earn trails and renewals as you care for those clients on an ongoing basis. 
3) Overrides: develop the skills to build your own agency and open your own office.
4) Bonuses

How much do you get paid per client?
Every client's needs are different so every paycheck is different. Each client equates to about 6 hours of work and $1000 commission.  Some plans offer way more, some offer way less.

Are you hiring?
I recruit and train entrepreneurial individuals but I am not an employer. If you have integrity, a good work ethic, and a willingness to learn, I'll invite you to an interview.  For those who qualify, I offer the opportunity to work with me and other incredible leaders in an apprenticeship-style program.  

If you have any questions, contact me at or click the link on the Home page to schedule a free Consultation.